The lake is a refuge for the native orea (eel), who can be seen trailing the swans and ducks. Along with the birds, the orea are tame and can be coaxed to take food. The eels are an original part of the cultural and ecological heritage of Western Springs Lake - a fact that is reflected in the lake's Maori name 'Te Wai Orea', which means 'waters of the eel'.
Around the shores and wetlands, wild fowl including native PÅ«keko, Teal, Australian Coot and Shovelers can be freely viewed amongst regenerating native plants, wide-open lawns, gardens, water gardens and water lilies.
The park offers a tranquil resting place for visitors to a cluster of major nearby attractions including the Auckland Zoo, Museum of Transport and Technology, the Chamberlain Park Golf Course and the Western Springs stadium.